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Bharat Wakhlu Insightsis a transformational and ethical business leader, keynote speaker, and author.

Bharat Wakhlu is a Motivational Keynote Speaker, Life Coach, Transformational & Ethical Business Leader, Leadership Mentor, and Author.

Here are his areas of expertise include:

Manufacturing | Performance Excellence & Quality | Leadership & Team Development | Governance | Policy Advocacy | Strategy | Supply Chain Management | Ethical Sourcing & Sustainability | Future-proofing

Bharat Wakhlu 3 days ago

‘Mind Your Business’ with Bharat Wakhlu

Bharat Wakhlu, Former Resident Director, Tata Services talks to Responsible Business India about business responsibility

Bharat Wakhlu 8 months ago

QUEST Alliance – Co-Creating Hopeful Futures for All

Quest 2 Learn Summit 2023 Bharat Wakhlu addressing QUEST 2 Learn annual summit as an

Bharat Wakhlu 2 years ago

Compelling Leadership – Insights from the Tata Group

In episode 47 we will speak to Bharat Wakhlu and explore Compelling Leadership - Insights

Bharat Wakhlu 2 years ago

Founding Fuel Masterclass | Building A Premier Leadership Cadre: The TAS Story

Founding Fuel Masterclass | Building A Premier Leadership Cadre: The TAS Story The TAS Story

Bharat Wakhlu 2 years ago

Leadership for a Happy and Purposeful Workplace

Leadership for a Happy and Purposeful Workplace. Bharat Wakhlu with Rajeev Mishra

Bharat Wakhlu 3 years ago

Values In Everyday Life

There are two essential imperatives that necessitate living by values: the first - that just

Bharat Wakhlu 3 years ago

How to deal with Toxic Bosses

A recording of our conversation on "How to deal with Toxic Bosses" is right here!

Bharat Wakhlu 3 years ago

TOSB Conversation: Developing the Inner Dimension of Leadership

TOSB Conversation: Developing the Inner Dimension of Leadership with Bharat Wakhlu & Ajit Sharma

Bharat Wakhlu 3 years ago

The Skill of Speaking Up

The Skill of Speaking Up

Bharat Wakhlu 3 years ago

Leveraging Tiny Troubles and Miniature Field Failures for Enhanced Customer Experiences

Process and service quality deficiencies, especially those small and chronic lapses – both within and

Bharat Wakhlu 4 years ago

Three Elements for Business Success

Bharat Wakhlu is Resident Director, Tata Group. In the session, he talks about how this

Bharat Wakhlu 4 years ago

Leadership from the perspective of service

People are driven by a desire to serve people, customers, and stakeholders. These leaders are

Bharat Wakhlu 4 years ago

Effectively Managing Customers’ Experience

In this day and age customers no longer come to physical stores or shops to

Bharat Wakhlu 4 years ago

Navigating the Maze

Many of us find ourselves stuck in life and career maze, and the shortcut route

Bharat Wakhlu 4 years ago

Leadership Insights Discussion with Susshruth Apshankar from Yantra

Discussion between Bharat Wakhlu and Susshruth Apshankar from Yantra on Leadership Insights.

Bharat Wakhlu 4 years ago

How Leaders Built Trust

The Wakhlu Advisory presents yet another Leadership and Management insight in this video clip from

Bharat Wakhlu 4 years ago

Six Transformational and Global Trends Unleashed by the Covid19 Crisis

Six Transformational and Global Trends Unleashed by the Covid19 Crisis New Forces are changing the

Bharat Wakhlu 4 years ago

How Fawning Subordinates Degrade Leadership

How Fawning Subordinates Degrade Leadership Why Surrounding Yourself with Uber-Loyal Subordinates is neither Good for

Bharat Wakhlu 5 years ago

Leading and Living with Grace and Mastery

Leading and Living with Grace and Mastery Of the many potent ideas that have a

Bharat Wakhlu 7 years ago

Are You a Life-Affirming Agent of Beneficial Change?

Are You a Life-Affirming Agent of Beneficial Change? In June 1992, a twelve-year-old Canadian school

Bharat Wakhlu 7 years ago

Being Decisive!

Being Decisive! Introduction (Being Decisive!) The former Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narasimha Rao, once

Bharat Wakhlu 7 years ago

Stimulating Beneficial Change – Leadership Lessons from Indore

Stimulating Beneficial Change - Leadership Lessons from Indore Every organization – big, small, for-profit or

Bharat Wakhlu 7 years ago

The Six Imperatives of Outstanding Service Quality

For the past three decades, I’ve involved in developing organizational strategies, systems, structures, processes and

Bharat Wakhlu 7 years ago

The Seven Pillars of a Gender Equality and Diversity (GED) Masterplan

The Seven Pillars of Gender Equality and Diversity (GED) Masterplan This is not just another

Bharat Wakhlu 7 years ago

How our latest book “Navigating the Maze” got written

How our latest book "Navigating the Maze" got written Savita and I have been published

Bharat Wakhlu 7 years ago

Why Good Leaders Love Bad News

Why Good Leaders Love Bad News Leaders aren't impressed by or stuck to the status

Bharat Wakhlu 7 years ago

Wisdom for a VUCA World

Wisdom for a VUCA World Open any newspaper or news magazine – online or in

Bharat Wakhlu 8 years ago

Living and Working with Ethics

Living and Working with Ethics Many people who know of my work and my commitment